As an entrepreneur, one of my most important keys to
success is staying positive – especially when facing the
inevitable obstacles of running a business.
People often ask, “How can you be so happy?” Because I
choose to be. We all have lives full of complexities and
trials. Why dwell on them? Dwelling on negativity or the
people who dish it out does not bear any fruit. I prefer to
adopt a positive attitude that powers me through the
rough patches of life. Adopting this kind of perspective
has the potential to enhance your life and your work.
According to the latest research , optimistic people are
healthier and live longer than pessimists. In 2010,
researchers studied the results of 83 studies measuring
the impact optimism has on physical health. Optimists
had better results when it came to overall longevity,
survival from disease and pain tolerance. Additionally, a
Yale study indicates a positive attitude helps keep your
heart pumping an additional 7.6 years on average.
Related: 5 Negative Ways of Thinking You Need to Stop
Here are five ideas for achieving a positive state of mind
– with some added inspiration from beloved and revered
American leaders:
1. Find your inner bliss.
“We need joy as we need air.” –Maya Angelou,
renowned author, poet, and civil rights activist
I believe this wholeheartedly. Joy is a necessity and
fundamental to our wellbeing. Look inside. Reflect on
what makes you happy, what propels you. Maybe it’s
travel, family, or a hobby. Whatever it is, following your
inner compass is the first step to a strong mental
outlook. Doing what you love fuels you, puts you in a
positive frame of mind, and allows you to live a
meaningful life.
2. Manage your stress effectively.
“It’s not the load that breaks you, it’s the way you carry
it.” — Lou Holtz, former college football coach and
current sports analyst and motivational speaker
Stress wreaks havoc on every aspect of your life; how
you carry it can literally make or break you. Take note,
Millennials, because, according to the American
Psychological Association, you have it the worst. On a
10-point scale, Americans age 18-33 report an average
stress level of 5.4 compared to the national average of
4.9. These numbers are too high.
Strategies to relieve stress are different for everyone.
Some people exercise or read; others paint or listen to
music. Meditation is popular, and for good reason. A
University of California, Davis study suggests focusing
on the present may actually lower levels of the stress
hormone cortisol. An attitude of gratitude is also found
to reduce stress by focusing on what we have instead of
what we don’t.
Finally, sometimes we just need to heed the advice from
the popular movie Frozen and simply “let it go.”
Managing and letting go of stress will change your life.
Related: Become More Positive With These 5 Tips
3. Stay motivated.
“People with goals succeed because they know where
they are going…it’s as simple as that.” —Earl Nightingale,
personal development pioneer and radio legend
So true. You have to know where you are going – and
then stay the course. Staying motivated can be hard at
times. Really hard. But keep a “no quit” attitude.
Remember why you started, know where you are going,
and stay laser-focused on the prize.
Success is like running a marathon; it takes time,
persistence, and mental training. Believe in yourself and
remember you are capable of great things. Thomas
Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting the light
bulb. While this example may be extreme, my message
is don’t give up and success will follow.
4. Brace for anything, including the good.
“Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.”
— Mark Twain, author and literary icon
Twain got it right; we cannot predict life. Bad things will
happen, so be mentally prepared. Keep an open mind
and don’t let anything knock you down. If it does, get
back up. You will experience obstacles and you will
make mistakes. Accept this, be ready, and move on.
On the flip side, good things happen, too. Life will
surprise you in wonderful ways – sometimes when you
least expect it. Be ready to embrace and enjoy these
experiences all the same.
5. Build a confidant’s network.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the
most time with.” — Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur,
author, and motivational speaker
That’s a powerful statement – and one that I buy into
completely. I am a huge believer in the power of a high-
quality network. In this case, however, choose carefully,
because the company you keep literally shapes you.
Think about a few people whom you admire and can
really rely on – who bring out the best in you, push you
higher, and give off good energy.
Consider confiding in a close friend, hiring a work or life
coach, or finding a mentor. Having a circle of confidants
helps ensure you have the support you need along the
way. Curate your network regularly to ensure the highest
quality people are in your circle.
Many traits matter when it comes to achieving happiness
and success in work and life – skills, knowledge, and
hard work – but I’ve found that a positive mindset
underscores it all. Here’s to a fresh perspective and
healthy state of mind starting now!
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Saturday, February 28, 2015
Here Are 5 Ways to Achieve a Positive State of Mind
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