Saturday, January 31, 2015

5 Ways to Lead by Example at Work

As a leader of your business, you should send the right
message to your employees, business partners,
customers and colleagues. Your staff members and the
people at your workplace are expecting that you will lead
by example.
You may think that your work can speak for itself, but
your professional image and everyday demeanor may
not project the impression that you ultimately want.
Just as you make snap judgments every day about
others, the people you come into contact with make
assumptions about you based on each interaction. Use
these five tips to ensure that your intentions are
reflected by your actions:
Related: 6 Things Effective Leaders Should Do to
Inspire Their Teams
1. Arrive to work early.
If you regularly show up late, your employees might
assume it’s acceptable for them to do the same. In
leadership, it’s important to eliminate the mentality of
“Do as I say, not as I do.” Instead, exemplify the ideals
and characteristics you’d like your employees to
demonstrate when they come to work each day.
If you require members of your staff to arrive at a
specific time, your duty as their leader is to arrive on
time or earlier. The work ethic of your employees can be
heavily influenced by your actions. If they see you hard
at work bright and early every morning, they’re much
more likely to mirror your behavior.
2. Embody your company’s brand.
Is your online image congruent with your personal
brand? Set aside time to regularly update your blog,
website and social-media profiles to be sure they
accurately and positively reflect what your business is
all about. Then make sure you and your employees
continue to deliver on the promise of your company's
Related: 6 Key Tips for Leading by Example
3. Dress the part.
What you wear is your personalized method of
nonverbally presenting yourself to the world. How you
dress and carry yourself can communicate to others that
you are competent, knowledgeable, conscientious and
powerful, among other things.
To dress the part, make classic wardrobe choices. Invest
in quality clothing, create a consistent personal style and
opt for an appearance that appropriately matches your
business and industry.
4. Share the credit.
An entrepreneur cannot succeed by working solo forever.
Collaboration is the key to success. You will quickly lose
respect with your colleagues and co-workers if you tune
them out and refuse to share the spotlight with them.
When you distribute the credit and shower people with
praise, you’re much more likely to inspire and motivate
them to do their best. Surround yourself with people who
complement your strengths not just the ones who
compliment you.
5. Fine-tune your listening skills.
Entrepreneurs need to listen to learn. Strive to become a
better listener. If you’re tempted to glance at your
smartphone each time it pings or vibrates, turn it off or
leave it in your office. Practice patience and try to not
interrupt when someone is talking. Be attentive, make
eye contact, nod and ask pertinent questions. Insist that
your employees follow your example. After all, courtesy
and good manners never go out of style.
Related: Want to Be a Better Leader? Show Employees
You Care.

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