Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How Entrepreneurs Can Design Their Lives and Businesses for Success

You may not know her name, but Pernille Spiers-Lopez
knows a thing or two about design. She served in
executive-level roles at furniture company IKEA for more
than a decade, namely as CEO for IKEA North America
and later as global chief human resource officer. Today,
though, her design passion is something entirely
different -- helping entrepreneurs to design their lives and
businesses in a way where they can plan for the kind of
success that suits them.
While you may subscribe to the old adage that if you fail
to prepare you prepare to fail, you may not realize that
you have more control over how you set up the plan to
coincide with the goals and objectives you value the
As a personal friend and mentor of mine, I asked Spiers-
Lopez -- who also serves on boards as a corporate and
non-profit director in both the U.S. and Europe for Save
the Children, Meijer Corporation and Coop DK-- if she
could share some of her best lessons for entrepreneurs
from her new book, Design Your Life, so that you can
design your own life and business for the kind of
success that you desire. Some of her top tips are
recounted below.
Related: Why Smart People Make Bad Entrepreneurs
Take on big challenges.
Pushing yourself to take on challenges that you think
sound impossible is a critical component for success,
says Spiers-Lopez. “We learn the most -- and grow the
most -- in challenging situations that stretch us beyond
what we think our limits are. Often, it’s our own mindset
that limits us.” Not only do the big challenges and goals
create energy, passion and interest for you, but for those
around you, such as team members and investors.
To accomplish the big ideas, Spiers-Lopez advises,
“Have a mindful, long-term plan that you can break
down into small, achievable steps or milestones to make
execution possible, while keeping your eye on the bigger
Focus on your strengths rather than what
you lack.
Spiers-Lopez believes that one of the biggest challenges
for entrepreneurs, especially women, is overcoming our
own negative thoughts. She shares, “I find that, women
in particular, we talk ourselves down. I have been the
only woman in the board room and even found myself
doing this. For example, I remember thinking ‘Why is
nobody listening to my ideas?’ Instead of talking myself
into being small or not good enough, I turned it around to
see how I could change my communication. I asked
myself why I wasn’t being heard and how I could
reframe or change my communication so that it would
be heard.”
She advises that instead of focusing on what you lack or
what’s going wrong, emphasize your strengths, whether
you are selling to capital providers, customers, team
members or otherwise.
Diverse perspectives are a leading asset.
Further, Spiers-Lopez recounts that her favorite phrase
for businesses is one that she heard from a friend:
“Great minds think un alike.” Entrepreneurs and
businesses get into jeopardy when groupthink takes
over. The businesses that embrace diversity in
perspectives and a 360 degree view can make sure that
they see not just what’s in front of them, but what could
lie ahead.
Related: Never Hire a Honey Badger
Use elimination to make choices, especially
overwhelming ones.
Whether a new entrepreneur is deciding which business
to pursue or an existing entrepreneur is deciding
between directions to grow the business, choices can be
overwhelming. Spiers-Lopez suggests that instead of
making your head spin wondering “What do I want to
do?” to instead focus on “What do I not want to do?”
Being clear about what doesn’t interest you, what
doesn’t align with your core values, core business, and
what you are not good at can help you see the forest
through the trees as you clear away the unwanted
Build a strong, supportive network.
“Success in life means being successful personally as
well as professionally,” says Spiers-Lopez. “I wouldn’t be
where I am today if it weren’t for surrounding myself
with the right people. At home, this is having the right
partner in my husband, who is supportive so that we
both can put our time, energy and resources where they
need to be when they need to be there.” She advocates
that having the right life partner, where your choices are
viewed as supporting mutual goals vs. sacrifices is a big
part of business success.
On the business front, Spiers-Lopez also says to
surround yourself with a variety of supporters, including
those with more experience and a variety of skills that
you can learn from. Even better, she advises that
entrepreneurs create a formal advisory board and make
sure that it is filled with people who are willing to
challenge you and ask “are you crazy”? Having “yes
men” (or women) around won’t help you to get to the
next level.
Be patient.
“Success takes time,” says Spiers-Lopez . “Be patient
and don’t panic during the journey. It’s a long ride and
those that make bad choices borne out of impatience or
panic are the ones who won’t be successful.”
While she acknowledges that there are some overnight
successes, Spiers-Lopez says that they aren’t the norm
and that you shouldn’t be discouraged if you aren’t the
next Snapchat. “It would be like hearing that someone
made $200,000 at the racetrack and then being upset
because you went there and didn’t. It’s not normal and it
certainly shouldn’t be your plan.”

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