Saturday, March 28, 2015

Before You Decide to Jump Into Entrepreneurship, Do These 4 Steps

1. Determine what you are passionate
about in life.
What is the one thing, career or business, you really
want? If you know what you are goals are in life, you
can plan by setting time-bound, realistic and measurable
objectives to achieve it. Don't keep these passions it in
your head. Write it down. Give yourself time. Make a
decision to start somewhere. Once you begin to put
things on paper, every other idea about the resources
needed to make your dream happen will begin pouring
out of you.
2. Don't just think about it, act on it.
Action begets outcome. Outcome begets more action.
You can only build when you make a move, as
momentum builds through action. So act! You can't see
the results until you overcome your fear of starting
something and then begin to take the first step at
actually creating a new business, project or building the
life you want. The only thing worse than failure is not
There are too many people out there who want to stay in
their comfort zone and take no action but still complain
of their current life. Don't be one of these people. A
single step gets you closer to your dream career. So,
don't discount the power of action no matter how small.
And keep in mind, you don't have to quit your current job
to act on your ideas. Figure out the best time outside
your normal work hours to get something done. You
don't even have to do most things yourself. You could
outsource or get someone else involved.
Related: Study: It's Better to Start a Business While
You're Still Employed Elsewhere
3. Set clear boundaries.
Try and make sure your job and personal passion
project don't overlap. It can become a problem when you
use your company's resources to kick start your new
side project – and your bosses won't tolerate it.
Separate the two to make things easier for yourself.
4. Plan your transition.
Once you have decided to start a side project to build
your dream business, you will at some point make that
bold decision to do it full time. Make sure you have
planned for it before you make that all important move.
Most people will keep postponing that decision for a
long time, often due to financial security reasons. It's
understandable, especially when you have bills to pay
and a family to support.
So, the important point here is that the decision to quit
should not be taken lightly. Carefully monitor the
progress of your project. Have you made significant
contacts who could be clients or support you when you
start? How soon can your launch? What is your single
most important success factor? And do you have that in
your control?
There won't be a clear indication when to go into your
project full time. But sooner or later you will have to
transition out of your current position to build the life
you want.

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