Monday, March 16, 2015

Reasons Many UTME Candidates Have Not Received Their Results

Reasons Many UTME Candidates Have Not
Received Their Results
With plenty of complaints coming from candidates who sat for the
2015 UTME over inability to access their results even as JAMB had
earlier announced that candidates will be able to see their results 2
hours after the examination. We deem it fit here to address some
of the reasons that we, ve gathered could have hindered the
candidates from receiving their results. 1.Failure To Provide Your
Correct Phone Number Either In Your Slip Or In Your Rough
Booklet: Providing JAMB With your correct number in your exam
slip, or rough booklet which would be submitted later would aid the
officials into sending your scores quicky to you after the system
finished marking, but if the phone number you provided got lost
before or after your exam the only remedy to that is to directly
check your result online whenever JAMB have enebled the portal
for checking of result. 2.Late Comers: We learnt that those that
came late to the hall may have their results delayed as a way of
punishing them for late coming. Though it will be released later.
3.Exam Malpractice: If some how you were caught in the exam hall
for cheating, the invigilator could have marked your Reg. Number
for malpractice without your knowledge. This could be a major
reason for many not receiving their results. 4.Failure To Submit:
JAMB earlier made it clear that even if a candidate is unable to
submit before the system goes off that that the computer will
automatically do so. However, in a case whereby the computer
develops a fault and for that reason you were unable to submit it
only means that your work was not submitted at such you will
have no result. 5.Network Issue:Your network provider might also
be one of the hindrances why you haven't seen your score, a close
look at the network providers pinpoints that most Networks do not
deliver bulk sms to their client, an e.g of the mobile network
include GLONIGERIA, If you know you use a glo line and haven't
seen your result note that your network might also have seized
your result from delivering to your lines. Candidates who have not
seen their results for reasons different from malpractice and their
work not being submitted should hold on till after the examination
on 21st March 2015 as JAMB will provide an alternative means for
them to access their results online.

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